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Tourism in Segovia

Segovia, España

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I love Segovia

Segovia is a very old city, one of the important World Heritage Sites, it was already old when the Roman people appeared here and it conserves many constructions from every era since then. Segovia is a protagonist of the great events in the history of Spain. The old city with unique monuments that alone make a visit well worthwhile.

Things to see in Segovia

Segovia’s most recognisable symbol is el Acueducto, the most impressive Roman structure in Spain; It was build by the Roman people to bring water to the city, and it functioned until just 20 years ago, The Segovia Cathedral was built during XVI – XVII centuries and is the last Gothic cathedral in Spain and The Alcázar of Segovia was a very important fortress during the middle ages, is one of the most important monuments and one of the most distinctive castle-palaces in Spain by virtue of its shape also was the inspiration for the Walt Disney Fairy Castle. It is still in a very good shape. Moors, Christians, and Jews coexisted for a long period of time in the medieval city.

Gastronomy in Segovia

Segovia is known for its cuisine and its inns. “The Meson de Candido” is the oldest and the most famous restaurant in Segovia. The two most famous and popular of Segovia products have always been the lamb and the baby pig, cooked in wood-fired oven and roasted, although Castilian garlic soup, La Granja bean stew, trout from Valsaín and a variety of game stews are also worth mentioning.
Desserts include the excellent ponche segoviano (a cinnamon cake soaked in sweet liqueur).

Avila is very closed to Segovia, once in Segovia we recommend you to visit this mediaeval town of the three cultures, a World Heritage SiteAvila reached its maximum splendour in the 16th century as the town of mysticism and spirituality and its main example is Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, but the symbol of Avila is the image of its walls.

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